
10月21日雅思写作题是一道经典的老题,讨论年轻人适不适合参与政府要职,题型是:讨论两方观点并给出你自己的观点。题目如下:Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government, while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



Traditionally, high-level positions in the government have been taken up by people with many years of work experience. There are conflicting views about whether young people are qualified for these posts or not.

In many people’s minds, the young generation is thought to be immature and inexperienced. If in charge of important departments, they are likely to make decisions without enough consideration, which may lead to serious consequences. Many young people nowadays are spoilt in their childhood and adolescence, so they tend to be less considerate and less responsible than their parents and grandparents. As government positions concern the welfare of citizens and require serious commitment, young people seem to be unsuitable for these positions.

However, some people argue that young people should be given more opportunities to get involved in government work. With more energy and enthusiasm than the older generations, young people are expected to perform better in some aspects. More importantly, young people are receptive to new ideas and new technologies. They can bring innovative styles to the government work, which is generally considered as rigid and conservative A good example is that, in recent years, young officials in many cities use online tools to interact with local residents and thus improve the relationship of the government and the public.

In my view, involving more young people in government work is a good way to bring new ideas to the government’s public services. Considering their lack of experience, job training may be needed before young people take their positions. It is unavoidable that they will make mistakes, but in this process they can learn and become competent in their work. (273 words)

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