
1. it 用作人称代词,指代前面提到过的人或事物。如:

He bought a dictionary and gave it to me. (指代物品 dictionary )

John hates children, and it is difficult to say why.


2. 表示天气、时间、温度、距离等。如:

It was raining when I left the office.


It’s an hour’s walk from my home to the school.


It’s a long time since we met last time. (表示时间)

3. it 用作形式主语或形式宾语

It is important to learn English well.

It is a pity that I didn’t think of it earlier.

We found it strange that no one would take the money.

4. it 用在强调句型中

英语中,有时为了突出句子中的某一成分,达到强调或使人特别注意该成分的目的,人们常用“ It is / was … that/ who …”句型把整个句子分割成前后两个部分,使之各自有自己的谓语动词,中间由 that 或 who 连接起来成为一个新的句子,人们习惯上称这一句型为强调句型。如:

Mathilde wore the beautiful diamond necklace to attend the palace ball with her husband last night.

→ It was Mathilde who wore the beautiful diamond necklace to attend the palace ball with her husband last night. (强调主语)

→ It was the beautiful diamond necklace that Mathilde wore to attend the palace ball with her husband last night. (强调宾语)

→ It was with her husband that Mathilde wore the beautiful diamond necklace to attend the palace ball last night. (强调方式状语)

→ It was last night that Mathilde wore the beautiful diamond necklace to attend the palace ball with her husband. (强调时间状语)

另外,学习 it 的用法时,还要注意学会使用下列常用句式:

It takes / took / will take sb some time to do sth


It looks / looked as if …看起来好像……

It seems / seemed that …似乎……

It so happened that …碰巧……

It turns / turned out that …原来是(结果是)……

It is said / reported / believed / thought / hoped / well-known / suggested that …据说 / 报道 / 相信 / 认为 / 希望 / 众所周知 / 建议……

It occurred to sb that …某人想起……

It will be / was + some time before …要过多久才 / 过了多久才……

It is / was / has been / had been + some time + since …自从……已经有多久时间了……


It 既是高中英语教学重难点,也是近几年高考的热点语法。它的用法极其广泛,既可以作人称代词,也可以作非人称代词,表示时间、距离、气候等;既可以充当形式主语和形式宾语,也可以用于强调句结构中…[阅读全文]

涉及it用法的五类常考内容如下: 一、考查 it 用作形式主语的用法 当不定式、动名词、从句等用作主语时,为避免头重脚轻,通常在句首使用形式主语it,而把真正的主语放在句子末尾。如: It’s no…[阅读全文]

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