
Are you interested in history? 你对历史感兴趣吗?

Don’t worry about it. 别为它担心。


No one can sing like her. 没有人能像她那样唱歌。(不能用like she)



He is good at telling stories. 他善于讲故事。

In crossing the street he was run over. 他在穿过马路时被汽车撞倒。



We can’t regard the matter as settled. 我们不能认为这事已经解决。

I take it for granted you have read the book. 我以为你读过这本书。

【说明】过去分词用作介词宾语通常只见于某些固定结构中,如上面第1句涉及regard…as(认为…是)结构,第2句涉及take sth for granted(认为某事属实)。在其他情况下,介词后通常不直接跟过去分词作宾语,若语义上需要接过去分词(表被动),可换用“being+过去分词”:

He went out without being seen by the others. 他出去了,没有被其他人看见。


He was not satisfied with what she said. 他对她说的不满意。

I’m worried about where he is. 我担心他上哪儿去了。


误:He paid no attention to that she was poor.

正:He paid no attention to the fact that she was poor. 他根本不注意她很穷这一事实。

但有个别介词(如except)可接that从句。比较:I know nothing about him except that he lives next door. / I know nothing about him except for the fact that he lives next door. 我只知道他住在隔壁,其它的就不知道了。



I had no choice but to wait. 除了等,我没有别的选择。

He wanted nothing but to stay there. 他只想留在那儿。

They did nothing but complain. 他们老是一个劲地抱怨。

He never did anything but watch TV. 除了看电视,他从不干任何事。

【说明】1.介词后接不定式的情形通常只见于but, except等极个别词。该不定式有时带 to,有时不带 to,其区别是:若其前出现了动词 do,其后的不定式通常不带 to;若其前没有出现动词 do,则其后的不定式通常带 to。

He gave me some advice on how to do it. 对于如何做这事他给我提了些建议。


Her pronunciation is far from perfect. 她的语音远不是完美的。

In short, we must be prepared. 总而言之,我们要有准备。

Things have gone from bad to worse. 事情越来越糟。

【说明】1. 有些形容词用作介词宾语可视为其前省略了动名词being:

He regarded the situation as (being) serious. 他认为形势严重。

His work is far from (being) satisfactory. 他的工作丝毫不令人满意。

2. 有些“介词+形容词”的结构已构成固定搭配(也有的词典认为此结构中的形容词为名词):

in full 全部地,全面地,无省略地 in private 私下地,秘密地

in particular 特别地 in general 一般地,通常地,概括地

in brief 简言之 in short 总之,简言之

in vain 徒然地,徒劳无益地 for fee 免费地,无偿地

for certain 肯定地,确切地 for sure 肯定地,确切地

for short 为了简短,简称 at large 自由自在地,逍遥法外

by far …得多,最最



I can’t stay for long. 我不能久呆。

It’s too hot in here. 这里面太热了。

I looked everywhere except there. 除了那儿,我到处都看过了。


The city has a population of four million. 这座城市有四百万人口。

He was among the first to arrive. 他是第一批到的。

Thy account for one-sixth of the population. 他们占人口的六分之一。



Choose a book from among these. 从这些书中选一本吧。

I saw her from across the street. 我从街的对面望见了她。

He has known her since before the war. 自战前开始他就认识她。

We’ve decided to go on foot instead of by bus. 我们决定步行去而不乘车去。

【说明】通常可后接介词短语作宾语的介词是 from, till, until, since, except, instead of 等。比较:

I took it from the bed. 我从床那儿(或床上)拿的。

I took it from under the bed. 我从床下拿的。

He didn’t arrive there till [until] midnight. 直到半夜他才到达那儿。

He didn’t arrive there till [until] after midnight. 半夜过后他才到达那儿。



She had no objection to Mary marrying him. 她不反对玛丽与他结婚。

She came in with a book in her hand. 她手里拿着一本书走了进来。

All the afternoon he worked with the door locked. 整个下午他都锁着门在房里工作。

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