
2004.9.11――2005.04.16 G类大作文题目汇集

9.11: Can money bring people happiness? (金钱)

9.18: Some parents think the children’s leisure time should be more educational but others argue this will exert too much pressure on children. Discuss the viewpoints and what’s your opinion and why? (青少年教育)

10.16:有人认为年少时代最幸福,有人认为尽管成年人有责任,但是还是一生中最幸福的,讨论2种观点并发表个人见解 (生活观念-人生幸福)

10.23: Should the private schools not be allowed as some people think that they provide some students unfair advantage? (教育-私立学校)

10.30: To improve students’ chance of finding a job, secondary schools take less time teaching traditional subjects, such as history. They take more time on communication skills and business. Agree or disagree?(教育-实践课还是传统课)

11.13: Some people think anyone can be a good teacher with suitable training, while others argue that there is some requirements that cannot be achieve just by training. Please discuss the both sides and give your opinion. Give some relevant examples. (教育-教师培训)

11.20: For couples preparing to have a child, the mother or the father should stop working to look after the child. What’s your opinion? (教育――父母抚养)

11.27: Some people take part in some dangerous sports, such as diving, mountain climbing, they should take responsibilities for their own, they should not expect that rescue work to risk their own life to save them, you agree or disagree? (冒险-营救)

12.04: 衣着在现代生活中占重要的地位,从着装看一个人在社会中的地位,你的看法?(社会-衣着)

12.11: 有人认为对领导人来说,人品比专业培训更重要,agree or disagree.(Leader-moral or training)

12.18: 工作是high salary重要还是socially useful重要。(social- salary or social value)


01.08: 城市改造是否要保留古建筑 (social conflict-history building)

01.15: some people think schools should educate every young person how to be a good parent. Do you agree or disagree? What kinds of skills are needed for a good parent? (教育)

01.22: More families send their children to studying abroad. Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Which age do you recommend? (教育-出国留学)

02.05: why do young people still continue to smoke? What do you suggest government to discourage this? (吸烟)

02.26:现在大多数大城市都面临heavy traffic的问题,论述你所在国家的情况,以及你的解决方法。 (社会-交通)

03.05: nowadays, people has less communication with their families, do you agree or disagree? (社会-交流)

03.12: Employees have different jobs should have different amount of holiday time. Agree or disagree(工作-假期)

03.19: 现在家长让小孩子看太多电视,会有什么后果.(教育――看电视)

04.02: The Olympic game is no longer play an important role. The Olympic Game in 2004 is the last one. Do you agree or disagree? (体育)

04.09: 是关于one international language与national culture的矛盾问题,能不能全世界的官方语言是一种,discuss both.(官方语言)

04.16: 电视上的暴力是不是该reduce(电视暴力)

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