as much as表示程度的6种用法

1. 译为“尽量”“尽最大努力(可能)”,主要用于as…as possible [one can]。如:

You ought to rest as much as possible. 你应当尽量多休息。

I have helped you as much as I can. Now it is up to you. 我已尽我所能地帮助你了。现在该看你自己了。

I won’t have a pudding it was as much as I could do to finish the very large first course. 我不要布丁了——我能把第一道大菜吃完就已经很不容易了。

2. 译为“像……一样(的程度)”。如:

He doesn’t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。

We’re in the dark just as much as you are. 我们跟你们一样被蒙在鼓里。

I don’t pretend to know as much as he does about it. 我不敢说我对此事的了解有他那样多。

He doesn’t think of you as much as he ought to. 他没有像本应该的那样对你好。

I like cats as much as dogs. 我喜欢猫和喜欢狗和程度相同。(此句可视为 I like cats as much as I like dogs 之省略)

3. 译为“与……一样多”。如:

I haven’t as much responsibility as before. 我不再担负过去那样多的责任了。

4. 译为“好像”“几乎”“并不多”“等于”。如:

That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那无异于说我撒谎。

He as much as admitted that it was his fault. 他几乎承认说是他的错。

You said “all right”, which was as much as to say that you were satisfied. 你当是说“行”,这就等于说你认为满意。

注:as much as to say [saying] 可视为习语,意为“等于说”。

5. 译为“既……又”“不仅……而且”。如:

It is as much our responsibility as yours. 这既是你们的责任,也是我们的责任。

It is as much your responsibility as mine. 这件事你和我一样都有责任。

He retorted that it was my fault as much as his. 他反驳说那不仅是他的错,而且也是我的错。或:他反驳说我的错误并不比他的错误小。

I expect to weep as much as (to) laugh. 我简直又想哭,又想笑。

6. 有时有较灵活的译法:

His latest play is not so much a farce as a burlesque tragedy. 他最近的一个剧本与其说是一个滑稽剧,不如说是一个滑稽的悲剧。

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