
Three times during his career, Leslie G. Griffen has asked a prospectiveemployer whether he can walk around the company and talk with employees about how they like their jobs. Twice the employers gave him the go-ahead, which told Griffen they were confident their employees were happy. One employer balked – a sign that this was not a good match.

在Leslie G. Griffen的职业生涯中,他曾经三次询问那些未来的雇主是否可以让他在公司里转一圈,问问里面的员工对自己的工作是否满意。有两次雇主同意了,并自信的告诉Griffen,他们很有自信公司的员工一定是对自己的工作满意的。而另一位雇主则不同意,这是表明这并非一个好主意的迹象。

“Most companies will talk the talk. They’ll talk about how important employees are,” says Griffen, who is now principal of The Griffen Group, which provides human resources and career coaching and consulting services. How an employer responds to this request is almost as telling as the answers employees give. “If they pull back in their chair and say, ‘You want what?’ it’s probably an indication that they might not be being straight up with you.”

Griffen公司是澳门一家提供人力资源、职业辅导以及咨询服务的公司,其现任负责人Griffen 说:“很多公司都只是说说而已,他们会说公司职员有多重要。” 雇主对于此要求的反应就相当于员工会给出的答案了。“如果他们听到后马上拉起椅子问你‘你想要干什么?’那就可能表明他们不会对你坦诚相对了。”

When you’re considering taking a new job, it’s important to find out how a potential employer treats employees. But getting the answer to that question, along with others that will help you determine if you’ll be happy at the company, may take some sleuthing. Here are five questions that will help you decide if the company is a fit – and some unconventionalways to find the answers:


1)What makes employees join this company and stay here? You can always ask your potentialmanager this question in an interview. But if you ask the employees you see while walking around the premises, as Griffen did, you’ll get a wider variety of answers – and possibly more honest ones.


2)How are people treated here? You may not even need to ask anyone this – just observe carefully from the time you set foot in the building. When you arrive for your interview, are you kept waiting with no explanation? Does the interviewer interrupt your conversation to take phone calls? “Try to come at different times if you have multipleinterviews,” advises Gail Ginder, a leadership coach with the Claros Group in Healdsburg, Calif. That way you’ll see if the mood around the building changes with the time of day.

贵公司的员工待遇如何?你可能不需要就该问题向任何人提问。只要从你开始踏入这家公司后就开始仔细观察。在你开始来面试的时候,是否没有任何说明就一直让你等着?在面试期间,雇主是否会打断你的谈话来接电话?Claros公司位于加利福尼亚州希尔兹堡,其首席教授Gail Ginder建议说:“如果你多次来该公司面试的话,那就试试分不同的时间段去。”这样的话你就会看到一天内随着时间的不同该公司的员工工作情绪是否有变化。

3)What are the unspoken rules? For this and other questions that are best asked of employees, you have two options. One is to use your network to find employees who work at the company but aren’t involved in hiring you. The other is to ask your interviewer – but only when it’s clear that the interviewer has decided you’re the bestcandidateand is trying to get you to sign on. “When they’ve decided you’re the one, you can ask pretty much anything as long as you ask it well,” Ginder says.


4)What happens when people make mistakes? The answer to this will give you insight into the company’s management and culture. You can ask it of an interviewer late in the interview process, or ask employees who aren’t involved in hiring. The key is to pose the question without sounding like someone who is planning to make a lot of mistakes. Use humor, Ginder advises. “Say, ‘If I were lucky enough to be offered this job, I would never want to make a mistake. But what happens here when people make a mistake?'”


5)What is a typical week like? The answer to this question can give insight into everything from how long the workdays are to how many after-hours phone calls you can expect. Vic Snyder, senior career counselor at the University of Washington’s Center for Career Services in Seattle, suggests that in informal conversations with employees, you pair this question with one about how often employees take their full vacations.

贵公司典型的一周工作生活是什么样的呢?他们对这个问题的回答能够让你了解该工作的工作日有多长,下班后会有多少电话等一切事情。Vic Snyder是华盛顿大学西雅图职业服务中心的高级职业顾问,他建议求职者在和员工随意的交谈中,可以在问他们多久有一次全休假时提出这个问题。

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