

121.(1)sb can’t help doing sth (P1214) 作“used to say that someone is unable to change their behaviour or feelings, or to prevent themselves from doing something 某人忍不住做某事,某人不能停止做某事”解。例如:

I can’t help thinking he knows more than he has told us.(摘自 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary在线词典)

He can’t help being ugly.(同上)

(2)somebody can’t help feeling/thinking/wondering etc something 例如:

I can’t help feeling that there has been a mistake.我总觉得什么地方出了错。

I couldn’t help thinking about the past. 我不禁会想起过去。

122. hit back (P1232) 作“to attack or criticize a person or group that has attacked or criticized you 回击,还击“解时,构成” hit back by doing something“。例如:

He hit back by calling his critics ‘lazy’.他回击他的批评者,称他们“懒散“。

123.hold off (P1238) 作“to delay doing something“解时,构成” hold off (on) doing something 拖延,推迟“。例如:

Hold off making your decision until Monday.等到星期一再作决定吧。

Businesses are holding off on hiring new employees.(摘自Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English在线词典之the Corpus)

124.hurry (P1274) 作“to make someone do something more quickly 催促”解时,构成“hurry somebody into doing something”。例如:

She doesn’t want to be hurried into making a decision.她不想被人催着仓促作决定。

125.imagine(P1295) 作“to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like 想象”解时,构成

(1)“imagine somebody doing something”。例如:

She could imagine dark-robed figures moving silently along the stone corridors. 她可以想象出身穿黑袍的人悄无声息地在石廊里穿行的情景。

(2)“(just) imagine doing something”。例如:

Imagine doing a horrible job like that! 想象一下做那种可怕的工作吧!

Just imagine going all that way for nothing! 想想看,白走了那么多的路!

I can’t imagine living without music.我无法想象没有音乐怎么活。


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