Washing up 还是 washing-up


washing up 还是 washing-up

《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(英英•英汉双解)(第6版)(外语教学与研究出版社2019年5月第1版2019年6月第7次印刷)P1213:help词条: help sb with sth

Can I help you with the washing up ? 我来帮你洗碗好吗?

P1214:help词条help with sth/ doing sth

Do you want any help with the washing up? 你要人帮忙洗碗吗?

从以上可以看出:编者把“washing up”(洗碗)当作了一个名词,而实际上英语中的“洗碗”作为名词,应当为“washing-up”,是一个合成词。


washing-up n [U] BrE [英]

1 the washing of plates, dishes, knives etc 洗餐具

It’s your turn to do the washing-up, Sam. 萨姆,轮到你来洗餐具了。

2 the dirty pans, plates, dishes, knives etc that have to be washed 待洗的餐具SYN dishes AmE【美】 a pile of washing-up 一堆要洗的餐具


washing-up n [U] BrE infml the act of washing dishes, plates, etc. after a meal, or the dishes, plates, etc. that are to be washed. (英,非正式) 洗餐具碗盘等: Who’ll do the washing-up tonight? 今天晚上谁洗碗?

There’s a lot of washing-up to be done? 有很多碗盘要洗。

另外,Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 在线词典

(https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/washing-up)也证实了这一点:ˌwashing-ˈup ●●○ noun [uncountable] British English

1 the washing of plates, dishes, knives etc

It’s your turn to do the washing-up, Sam.

2 the dirty pans, plates, dishes, knives etc that have to be washed SYN dishes American English

a pile of washing-up

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary在线词典


washing-up noun [uncountable] (British English)

1 the act of washing plates, glasses, pans, etc. after a meal

If you cook, I’ll do the washing-up.

a washing-up bowl

2 the dirty plates, glasses, pans, etc. that have to be washed after a meal

The sink was still full of last night’s washing-up.

那么,“washing up”在美国英语中,是否可以作为一个名词呢?

然而在Merriam-webster Dictionary 在线词典(https://www.merriam-webster.com/)和 The American Heritage dictionary of the English Language在线词典 (https://www.ahdictionary.com/)均未查到“washing up”。可见“washing up”在美国英语中,也不可以作为一个名词。


1.《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(英英•英汉双解)(第6版)(外语教学与研究出版社2019年5月第1版2019年6月第7次印刷)P1213:help词条: help sb with sth

Can I help you with the washing up ? 我来帮你洗碗好吗?

其中的“the washing up”应改为“the washing-up”;

2. P1214:help词条help with sth/ doing sth

Do you want any help with the washing up? 你要人帮忙洗碗吗?

其中的“washing up”应改为“washing-up”;为了照应“help with doing sth”,可以增加例句:Do you want any help with washing up? 你要人帮忙洗碗吗?



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