
在托福独立写作中,举例通常有两种方法共五类举例词汇,其中描述现象有三类词汇:such as/like,include/range from…to…以及for example/for instance;叙述故事有两类词汇:illustrate/exemplify以及…deserves a special mention。需要特别注意的是,无论是哪种方法,都要有细节描写,我们可以用“刨根问底找画面感”的方法实现这一点。下面我们来讨论在叙述故事中会用到的举例词汇。

叙述故事就是写出真实发生的事件,这些事件可以是发生在其他人身上的,也可以是发生在自己身上的,适合它的举例词汇比较多,在此仅讨论相对“高端”的两种:illustrate与exemplify以及…deserves a special mention。为了能更加直观地展现举例的这种方法,现以TPO16的独立写作题目为例,“最佳的旅行方式是跟随有导游的旅游团”,并且选择disagree(其实也可选择agree,但举例方法大同小异,所以在此只讨论disagree的情况),理由是“导游会把游客带到商品价格极高的纪念品店”,例子是my cousin Joseph的一段亲身经历,这就是一个真实发生的事件,也即叙述故事:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



1. illustrate 与exemplify都是及物动词,它们的宾语都是表“观点”的词,如point等。

2. 为了体现句法多样性,with可用by替换,the case of可用the example of与the story about等表达进行替换,但要注意它们所用介词的不同。

3. exemplify被很多的考生拼错,写成examplify——它与example不同,是以exe-开头的,而不是exa-。偶尔的拼写错误不伤大雅,但是很多的拼写错误很有可能导致失分。


Tourists are likely to be taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive. I will illustrate/exemplify this point with the case of my cousin Joseph, who last year went on a guided tour with a group of approximately 20 people to France. When they finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 100 dollars, which was too expensive.


Tourists are likely to be taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive. This point can be illustrated/exemplified with the case ofmy cousin Joseph, who last year went on a guided tour with a group of approximately 20 people to France. When they finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 500 dollars, which was too expensive.

二、…deserves a special mention,这个表达也是大多数考生所不熟悉的,如果能用好它,文章一定会显得高大上,这个表达通常也用来引人一个真实发生的事件,使用时需要注意以下几点:

1. 在…deserves a special mention中,a可以省略,写成…deserves special mention。

2. 为了体现句法多样性,when it comes to…可用speaking of…等表达进行替换。

3. 也可结合上面提到的语言点,写成The case of…/The example of…/The story about…deserves a special mention,后跟具体的事件即可;由于主语是第三人称单数,因此deserve也要相应地使用第三人称单数,这是非常简单的问题,但往往被相当一部分考生所忽略,因此造成失分,非常可惜。


When it comes to being taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive, my cousin Joseph deserves a special mention. He last year went on a guided tour with a group of approximately 20 people to France. When they finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 500 dollars, which was too expensive.

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