

Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smart phone, video games for fun and entertainment, some people believe that playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 现在,孩子们过度依赖科技产品, 例如计算机、智能手机、电子游戏。 有人认为玩玩具或和朋友们户外游戏对于孩子们发展更加有益,是否认同?(2016年2月28日)





Some people believe that video games could inspire young students’ interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games. Do you agree or disagree? 有人认为游戏可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高他们学习效率,而不是分散他们的精力和浪费他们的时间,是否认同? (2016年1月23日)

托福写作立场表明: 孩子们应该被鼓励以简单玩具或户外运动的方式来放松娱乐。

① 笑笑三岁了,三岁的笑笑已经可以熟练使用I-phone 手机,喜欢看“关头强”和“喜洋洋”,喜欢打I-pad 的街机三国,他甚至知道游戏人物张飞,李典,夏侯惇等。

② 回想我的童年时代,小鹏哥的娱乐方式无比简单:丢沙包、跳房子、做迷藏、骑马打仗……,这些户外运动,经济而健康,我和小伙伴们呼吸着新鲜空气,亲近大自然。相比个体性的娱乐方式,群体性的经验成长让我们感受快乐的同时,也结实了一生的好友。


② 竞技类的电子游戏易使玩家上瘾,尤其是对于缺乏自律性的孩子而言,过于沉迷电子游戏容易使孩子们孤独、自闭、社交方面力不从心。


① 户外运动有益健康,孩子们可以亲近自然,健体强身。

② 群体成长有益孩子,群体性游戏锻炼孩子们的社交能力、培养孩子们的合作意识,同时,使玩家收获珍贵的友谊。

③ 陪孩子们做一些简单的亲子游戏是很好的增强家庭纽带的方式。



Children tend to revel in high-tech products such as smart phone or on-line games, sometimes without being aware of doing so. Sure enough,they can have a merry mood when they amuse themselves by playing computer games or mobile phones. My stand,however,is that going outside for amusement or playing simpler toys is more preferable and feasible in terms of providing those who are in the formative years with beneficial enjoyment.


Indeed, games provided by high-tech products enjoy tremendous popularity amongst children and their peculiar fascination can be owed to their unique merits. More precisely, video games are characteristic of vivid pictures, appealing music or unexpected challenge, which presents players witha good source of relaxation. Meanwhile, the process of surmounting difficulties in the virtual world can still enable children to have a creative mind and thus improve their decision-making or crisis-solving abilities. However, as children lack self-discipline, the chances that they will ever be able to take up physical exercises or befriend with peers are remote,especially considering that the amount of time young kids spend watching television or playing games is astonishing. Even worse,children often ignore the outside world as a result of the addition.


Embarking on outdoor activities or opting for simpler toys,as a commendable hobby, is quite different and has many visible merits. For a start, playing outdoor games with friends is physically beneficial because children can breathe the fresh air, stretch their bodies and enjoy the closeness to nature. This debate reminds me of my childhood, I was keen on catching dragonflies, butterflies, fish, and crickets in summer or playing snow fight with my close friends in winter. What we reaped were joyous childhood and healthy physique. Also,growing experience, via associating and communicating with peers, makes a child sociable and optimistic, with no time for boredom. Instead of isolating oneself, having fun outside with friends makes a child lean to cooperate with mates and unite congenial peers, in this way, one’s circle of friends grows. Eventually, accompanying children to play simpler games such as block building, flying paper plane, poker card game is an effective way to strengthen the parent-child relationship.


My stand is that although high-tech products can provide relaxation for leisure hours, electronic games will inevitably bright about sedentary lifestyle, poor eyesight and even obesity. Thereby, children should be encouraged to play simpler toys or do physical exercises with friends. Imaginably, the family tie can be strengthened and a child’s group experience can be fostered.

戳→ 详解托福考后的4种成绩异常情况及解决办法 


1. Going outside for amusement or playing simpler toys is more preferable and feasible in terms of providing children who are in the formative years with beneficial enjoyment. 对于成长中的孩子而言,户外运动或者简单游戏是更加可取可行的娱乐方式。

2. enjoy tremendous popularity amongst children 在孩子中极受欢迎

3. Their peculiar fascination can be owed to their unique merits. 他们因其独特的优点展示了独有的魅力。

4. video games are characteristic of vivid pictures, appealing music or unexpected challenge 电子游戏通常以具有精美的画面,动人的音乐和出人意料的挑战为特征。

5. However, as children lack self-discipline, the chances that they will ever be able to take up physical exercises or befriend with peers are remote,especially considering that the amount of time young kids spend watching television or playing games is astonishing. 然而,因为孩子们缺乏自律,他们能从事体育锻炼或者结实同龄好友的机会不多,尤其是考虑到他们花费在电视游戏方面的惊人的时间。

6. Playing outdoor games with friends is physically beneficial because children can breathe the fresh air, stretch their bodies and enjoy the closeness to nature. 和朋友们从事户外运动有益健康,因为孩子们可呼吸新鲜空气、锻炼身体、亲近自然。

7. in this way, one’s circle of friends grows 以这样的方式,人可以结实更多朋友。

9. Although high-tech products can provide relaxation for leisure hours, electronic games will inevitably bright about sedentary lifestyle, poor eyesight and even obesity. 尽管高科技产品是休闲娱乐的方式,电子游戏无疑会带来久坐的生活方式、视力下降、甚至肥胖。

10. Thereby, children should be encouraged to play simpler toys or do physical exercises with friends. 因此,我们应该鼓励孩子们简单游戏或者体育锻炼。


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