
很多同学都问过我这样的问题,写作部分如何增加语言积累,以及应该选择什么样的原版书籍来提高自己的语言水平。那么今天我就关注一下这一话题,如果是以提高自己写作水平的阅读,大家除了要考虑符合自己水平的原版著作,还要考虑到文体的可模仿性,比如有的同学喜欢阅读Mark Twain 的小说,但是这位小说家大的文风主要以口语化的用词著称,不仅同学们读起来,会一脸蒙蔽,可以用在自己文章中的表达也是少之又少。那么我们应当选择什么样作品,以及怎样积累对应表达呢?

因此,在这里关于作品,这里我向大家推荐一位文笔及其犀利而且文字模仿性极高的作家,同时也是我的男神,英国作家 George Orwell,今天我们 就通过他的代表作 Why I write (我为什么写作?)来看一下 如何通过原版文本来积累有用的表达。


词汇:Humbug 骗子 Efface 抹去 Outgrow 年长不再需要 Squall 高声喊叫 Public-spirited 有公德心的 Picturesque 别致的生动的 Vain 有虚荣心的 invariably总是 Ingrained 根深蒂固的表达

1. It is no use doing sth 做某事是没用的

造句: It is no use simply teaching young people what to do

2. Reconcile… With 。。。和。。。妥协

造句: Reconciling the demand of job with the desire to care for one’s family

3. fuse.. Into.. 融合成

造句:In this day and age, different culture are increasingly fusing into one

4.Be bound to do sth 注定要

造句: We are bound to meet different people when we are growing up

5. struggle to do .. 努力做某事

造句: we struggle to make a difference in this world段落改写除了积累词汇和表达之外,我们下一步的任务就是把文章段落和我们的写作结合。

比如说:在 why i write 里面有这样的一段文字His subject matter will be determined by the age he lives in — at least this is true in tumultuous, revolutionary ages like our own — but before he ever begins to write he will have acquired an emotional attitude from which he will never completely escape. It is his job, no doubt, to discipline his temperament and avoid getting stuck at some immature stage, in some perverse mood; but if he escapes from his early influences altogether, he will have killed his impulse to write…

这段文字主要描述了在 George Orwell 眼里作家写作的两个驱动力,并且侧重详细描述了一点。那么在写作中类似的对比类题目我们也可以效仿同样的句式, 比如曾经有一道题目,Two people can still be friends if one person does something the other does not like. 那我们就可以模仿这段文字,写出一个小小的论证段落。I do not think two people can still be friends without shared social circles . Indeed, One’s social network can be affected by a variety of factors — at least this is true in an highly mobile and energetic society like our own — but most importantly his families will bring him into a group of people with whom he share similar economic status and early experiences. It is this circle, no doubt, to determine his major past times and form his outlooks on life; but if he befriend some with radically different social backgrounds, he will have to sacrifice everything he enjoy doing.



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